Self Reliance is the state of reliance on oneself or one’s own powers and resources by not requiring any aid, support or interaction of others for survival. Self reliance is the state of personal independence. To seek to provide for oneself.
Truth is the state of being in accordance with fact or reality. It is sincerity in action, character and utterance. Having the quality of being free from pretense, deceit or hypocrisy. Being honest to one’s self and to others. One who is without truth can never be trusted.
Hospitality is defined as the relationship between a guest and a host, where the host receives the guest with goodwill. This includes the reception and entertainment of guests, visitors or strangers. Hospitality includes a notion of protection. A host not only provides food and shelter to their guest, but also makes sure they do not come to harm while under their care.
Perseverance is described as the steady persistence in a course of action or purpose. To never give up or surrender, especially in spite of difficulties, ob- stacles or discouragement. Try and try again until you get it done. Not losing heart and simply giving up or taking the easy way out.
Discipline is associated with the suppression of base desires by restraint and self-control. When an individual uses reason to determine the best course of action regardless of their own personal desires, which may be the opposite of what needs to be done. To stay the course and have the strength to stick to what must be done, even when you don’t want to.
Fidelity/Trust is defined as the faithfulness to a person, cause or belief which is demonstrated by continual loyalty trust and support. To never turn one’s back and remain complete and undivided. To keep one’s word under all circumstances. The qual- ity of being faithful and maintaining a firm adherence to one’s own moral values. Fidelity is an ancestor of the word ”trust” and is used in synonym throughout the interviews.
Honor is associated with a keen sense of ethical conduct which allows one to be regarded with great respect and esteem. A quality of worthiness and respectability that affects one’s social standing amongst kin and kindred. It is the regard of one’s worth and stature based on the harmony of one’s actions.
Industriousness is working energetically and de- votedly to complete a task or in life’s daily toils in a hard-working and diligent manner. Being careful and persistent in one’s work or effort. Not being lazy, but having great care and attention in the steadfast application in one’s work and effort. Having a sense of industry and a strong work ethic.
Courage can be defined as the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty or intimidation. It can be divided into “physical courage” — in face of physical pain, hardship and threat of death — and “moral courage” — in the face of shame, scandal and discouragement. In our modern world where only few of us ever serve as warriors, courage can also mean exposing wrongful practices as a “whistle-blower”, or fighting against racism, sexism, misogyny etc.